Roggeri Vanessa

Liberevento Authors

Vanessa Roggeri


Vanessa Roggeri was born and raised in Cagliari, the city where she graduated in International Relations. The writer she likes to define herself as a “Sardinian nuragica, in love with her island so harsh and tough, but also proud and indomitable”. The passion for writing was born very early: at the age of fifteen she started writing short stories, which were then published in anthologies. In addition, her grandmother told her Sardinian fairy tales and legends intertwined with her childhood memories. These stories of an ancient, magical and mysterious Sardinia have deeply marked her, making her refine her taste for storytelling. In 2013 “Il cuore selvatico del ginepro” was published, and in 2015 “Fiore di fulmine”. She was a guest of the Liberevento Cultural Festival in 2018 with the book “La cercatrice di corallo” (Rizzoli Ed.).
