Perella Franco

Liberevento Authors

Franco Perella


Franco Perella was born in Sant’Antioco on November 28th, 1940. Priest since July 15, 1967. Volunteer in the state of Maranhao – Brazil since 1969 where he has been interested in school, education and training of youth movements. United in the sacrament of Matrimony in 1986, by decree of the Holy See. Teacher first in high schools and then in Primary School until 2007. Writer and collaborator of the “Agora”, a periodical of current affairs, culture and literature published in Florence since 1964; the “Sulcis Iglesiente Oggi”, a weekly of the diocese of Iglesias; de “Il ponte” periodical of the parish of San Giovanni Suergiu. Committed, as A.I.M.C. in the didactic-pedagogical training of teachers of all levels, he has designed and directed dozens of courses in the regional and national fields. To remember the commitment to the enhancement of Sardinian history, language and culture. Author of dozens of plays put on by the pupils, including: “La strada”, ” L’albero di Pasqua”, “Nisciunus depit emigrai”, “Buggerru – Una storia infinita”. He published in 2007 “… Lungo il cammino”, an autobiographical work.

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