The membership campaign to the ContraMilonga Association is officially open to support the Liberevento Literary Festival and the initiatives scheduled for the year 2024.
Every year our Festival boasts the participation of prestigious authors from the national literary and journalistic world, enriching the summers with events dedicated to culture and love for reading in our beautiful island!
You can contribute to all this! The Liberevento Festival grows from year to year thanks to you and your support!
Become a member of the ContraMilonga Association or make a donation to support the Festival!
Download the member form, fill it in and send it back to (consult the privacy policy);
Download the member form
Discover all the benefits reserved for members during the year!**
* Annual card cost: 30 €
** 20% discount on events with paid entrance and free shuttle service.
L'elenco dei vincitori della 4^ edizione 2024 del Premio Internazionale "A vuxe de Câdesédda. In ricordo di Bruno Rombi"
Notice is hereby given that the 12 August event with Roberta Bruzzone has been moved to 10 August, 9 p.m., at the Anfiteatro Parco Riola, Fluminimaggiore.
The wait is over! The summer programme of the 13th Festival Culturale Liberevento is finally online!
On Sunday, Oct. 15, 6 p.m. in Cagliari, in the evocative setting of Bingia Pernis, writer and journalist Francesco Abate will present his latest novel "Il misfatto della tonnara".