Galimberti Umberto

Liberevento authors

Umberto Galimberti

Philosopher and psychoanalyst

He completed his studies in philosophy and psychology, and he is currently professor of philosophy of history at the University of Venice. Associate Professor until 1999, previously he was appointed Professor of Cultural Anthropology. Since 1985 he has been an ordinary member of the International Association of Analytical Psychology. A pupil of Karl Jaspers, during some stays in Germany, he translated his works into Italian. He also devoted some studies to Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger. Since 1995 he has collaborated with the newspaper “la Repubblica”. His studies followed complex paths with strong attention to Jungian teaching. At the center of his interests is the man who in a world dominated by technology feels like a “means” in the “universe of means”, without being able to find a meaning to his existence. Through a critical examination of the limits of psychoanalysis in the face of the “senselessness” that characterizes the age of technology, he comes to the conclusion that perhaps only a “philosophical practice” can help to critically understand the world of technology in which man finds himself inserted and orient him to find a meaning to his radical discomfort, to the tragedy of his existence, even with the recovery of the Greek ideal of wisdom, without recourse to religious mythologies. He was a guest of the Festival Liberevento in 2022 with “Il libro delle emozioni” (Ed. Feltrinelli) and in 2024 with his book “L’etica del viandante” (Ed. Feltrinelli).

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