Bruzzone Roberta

Liberevento authors

Roberta Bruzzone


Graduated in Clinical Psychology at the University of Turin with a thesis on criminology. As a forensic psychologist, she became known mainly for her involvement in the investigation of the Avetrana crime, when she was entrusted with the role of defense consultant to Michele Misseri. In addition to appearing as a guest in television programs, Bruzzone was the author and presenter of the program “La scena del crimine”, broadcast on the local network GBR – Teleroma 56, as well as presenter of Donne mortali, broadcast for three editions on the broadcaster Real Time. She had roles in the contract at the Libera Mediterranean University “Jean Monnet” of Casamassima and the telematic University “Niccolò Cusano” of Rome. She has been a welcome guest at the Liberevento Cultural Festival in many edition, in 2024 she presented her book “State of Florida vs Chico Forti” (Ed. Mursia).

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