Garau Sandro Renato

Liberevento authors

Sandro Renato Garau


He teaches literary subjects at the Professional Institute for Social Services of Guspini. In 2006 he published the essay “Incontri – Il lavoro e le sue rappresentazioni tra i minatori di Montevecchio sull’esperienza dell’uomo nel sottosuolo minerario” (Casa Editrice Media Tre, Villacidro). In 2007 he participated in the competition “Art itineraries in the land of Monte Linas, the territory communicates the territory”, with the story “Tra Passione e Resurrezione: una piccola storia”, ranking first. He collabrates for several years with the fortnightly La Gazzetta del Medio Campidano. He was a guest of the Liberevento Cultural Festival in 2016 with the book “Juan@rosada” (Pettirosso Ed.).

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