VII Edition 2018 – Liberevento

VII Edition 2018 | From 3rd to 19 August

Liberevento Cultural Festival

VII Edition 2018

From 3 to 19 August 2018, WOMEN’S STORIES. Workshops, presentations and concerts starting from January in Cagliari, Carbonia, Santadi, London, Budoni, Isili and Iglesias. Creative writing workshops dedicated to children of the comprehensive schools of Gonnesa-Portoscuso, Sant’Antioco-Calasetta. During the summer appointments in Calasetta, in conjunction with the events, books exposition by the Mondadori Point bookshop of Sant’Antioco


26th February h 6 pm, Carbonia, ASP headquarters
Presentation of book “Piazza dei Pazzi n.1” by Omar Formentin (Pettirosso Ed. 2017).

From February to May 2018
Creative writing courses dedicated to the children of the institutes including Gonnesa-Portoscuso, Sant’Antioco-Calasetta.

2nd March h 6 pm, Santadi, Municipal Library
Presentation of book “Piazza dei Pazzi n.1” by Omar Formentin (Pettirosso Ed. 2017). Literary reading with live musical accompaniment.

8th Aprilh 6.30 pm, Londra, Parish Centre
Presentation of book “Spargimi di te” by Claudio Moica (Pettirosso Ed.2016). Full English translation (new production 2018). Literary reading with live musical accompaniment.

April h 6 pm, Cagliari, Feltrinelli Library (Via Paoli)
Presentation of book “Piazza dei Pazzi n.1” by Omar Formentin (Pettirosso Ed. 2017).

Aprilh 6 pm, Cagliari, Libreria Feltrinelli (Via Paoli)
Presentation of book “The Fun Side of the moon” (Pettirosso Ed. 2017) by G. L. Fiabane and Marcello Murru.

Mayh 6 pm, Budoni, Municipal Library
Presentation of book “Poesie d’Amore” by Rosalba Satta (Pettirosso Ed. 2017). Literary reading with live musical accompaniment.

May h 6 pm, Isili, Municipal Library
Presentation of book “Piazza dei Pazzi n.1” by Omar Formentin (Pettirosso Ed.2017).

16 Juneh 6 pm, Iglesias, Electra Café
Presentation of book “The Fun Side of the moon” (Pettirosso Ed. 2017) by G. L. Fiabane e Marcello Murru.

30th Juneh 6 pm, Iglesias, Electra Café
Presentation of book “ValleHHermosa” by Guglielmo Maccioni (L’erudita 2016). Literary reading with live musical accompaniment by Veronica Maccioni (reciting voice and accordion) and Ottavio Farci, double bass, with projection of the book trailer.

During the summer events in Calasetta, in conjunction with the events, an exhibition of the book will be held by the Mondadori Point Library of Sant’Antioco.

20th July h 10 pm, Calasetta, MACC – Contemporary Art Museum
Conference THE PATHS OF FREEDOM – TREKKING AS PSYCHIATRIC THERAPY. The Andalas de Amistade Association and ATS staff participate.

22nd Julyh 10 pm, Calasetta, MACC – Contemporary Art Museum
​Presentation of book “The fun side of the moon” (Pettirosso Ed. 2017) di G.L. Fiabane e Marcello Murru.


3rd August
h 9.45 pm, Calasetta, Torre Sabauda | Opening concert ENCHANTMENTS FROM THE OLD TO THE NEW WORLD.
10.45 pm, Calasetta, Torre Sabauda | VANESSA ROGGERI presents “The Coral Seeker” (Rizzoli). Moderator: Andrea Corda

4th August
h 10 pm, Calasetta, Torre Sabauda | FRANCESCA D’ALOJA presents “Heart bears” (Mondadori). Moderator Cinzia Michetti.
h 11 pm, Calasetta, Torre Sabauda | QUOTIDIANAMENTE INSIEME with the actprs Andrea Tedde and Floriana Ancis. Live artistic performance by Massimo Piga.

5th August
h 10 pm, Calasetta, Torre Sabauda | ​MARCELLO INTRONA presents “Castigo di Dio” (Mondadori). Moderator Giovanni Luigi Francesco Fiabane.

h 11 pm, Calasetta, Torre Sabauda | TANGATA, Novafonic Quartet. Performance artistica dal vivo a cura di Massimo Piga.

6 August
h 10 pm, Calasetta, Torre Sabauda | CESARE BOCCI and DANIELA SPADA presents “Pesce d’aprile. Lo scherzo del destino che ci ha reso più forti” (Sperling & Kupfer). Modera Marco Loi.

17 August
h 10 pm, Calasetta, Torre Sabauda | CRISTINA CABONI presents “La rilegatrice di storie perdute” (Garzanti). Moderator Luca Sarriu. Performance artistica dal vivo a cura di Massimo Piga.

18 August
h 10 pm, Calasetta, Torre Sabauda | Matteo Mocci alias GESUINO NEMUS presents the e-book “I bambini sardi non piangono mai” (Elliot). Moderator Carlo Martinelli.

19 August
h 10 pm, Calasetta, Torre Sabauda | ANNA MELIS presents “Lunissanti” (Frassinelli).

h 11 pm, Calasetta, Torre Sabauda | Concerto finale CONTEMPORARY FINGERPICKING GUITAR. Gavino Loche.

Si ringraziano per la collaborazione i comuni di Iglesias e Calasetta, il Sistema Bibliotecario del Sulcis Iglesiente, il Sistema Bibliotecario Sarcidano Barbagia di Seulo, l’Electra Cafè, l’Ass. Cult. Suergiu uniti nella cultura, l’Ass. Cult. Le città invisibili, l’Ass. Albeschida, l’Associazione Sofferenti Psichici, l’Ass. Atlantide, l’Ass. Cult. Anton Stadler, la Fondazione MACC, la Pettirosso Editore, il Mondadori Point di Sant’Antioco, la Libreria Duomo di Giancarlo Loi, gli Istituti Comprensivi di Gonnesa-Portoscuso e Sant’Antioco-Calasetta.
